When you’re being interrogated by the cops, do you ever wonder if there’s another cop behind the two-way mirror making faces at you because you can’t see him. Someday I’ll find you officer goofy-face.
Category: Deep Thoughts
Here are some deep thoughts that I wrote or someone said and I unashamedly stole, because I want to be like Jack Handey. Although I fall far short of his comic flatulence, I sure like to try. And there will certainly be more as my brain has a tendency to take I-75 right to the weird store. So here they are.
Deep Thoughts – Ugly
Geez, somebody got their face sucked off by the ugly fish.
Deep Thoughts – Fluffy Chair
The big red fluffy chair looked much like a big red fluffy chair. From hell!!
Deep Thoughts – Water
Why is it that when you use the bathroom, the toilet’s already full of water. Seems like a big waste. I’ll bet that water could be better used somewhere else. Like water factories.
Deep Thoughts – Lemons
You know what they say “If life hands you lemons, tell life to go fuck itself.”