Random Thoughts

Silver Bells

The flourescent lights of the electronics store burn With the refrain “Silver Bells” playing It is christmas time in the city Old man winter has returned with a vengence The river nostalgia gushes through my vains Memories that have no connection Yet seeming importance Every year I pretend it will make sense Yet it passes …

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Random Thoughts

Thoughts on the Olympics

I’ve been absolutely addicted to the olympics in the past couple weeks, and here’s a few observations. – Could the women in the beach volleyball wear anything less? The men in beach volleyball wear baggy shorts and t-shirts, yet the women wear tight bikinis (the Germans being in bright pink ones, which absolutely perplexes me). …

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Random Thoughts

Bumper Sticker Observations

Another bumper sticker observation. I saw another one with an american flag on it, only this one said “The Power of Pride.” I don’t know about you, but that kind of scares me. Proud men fall and fall hard. I know from experience.

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Random Thoughts

Another Bush Ad

There’s a George W. Bush commercial out right now where he says “I can’t imagine the pain of someone having to decide which child to pick up on September 11th.” I can’t for the life of me figure out what that’s supposed to mean. Are two kids dying and you can only pick up one? …

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Random Thoughts

Is anyone else….

I overheard a conversation between two older men in which one said to the other “Is anyone else living in the same world I am?” He was wearing a “Yo Quiero Taco Bell” shirt with an advertisement for Tomb Raider 2. The people you can see in a bookstore, I tell ya.

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Random Thoughts


Inadequacy has got to be one of the biggest emotions that all human beings have at some point. It’s amazing we (humans as a corporation) ever get anything accomplished with the constant dread of never being good enough. It’s like what I’ve said about loneliness. Everyone is lonely and miserable, and surrounded by lonely and …

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