We didn’t do a whole lot on day 4, other than complain about our amazingly sunburnt backs. However, I mentioned in the previous post that Rachel took some pictures on an underwater camera while we were snorkeling. She sent us the pictures, and here were my favorites from that:
That’s Alan.
That’s me and Alan. I love how serious Alan looks.
This is the sea turtle we saw!
and that’s him running away
This was the big rainbow fish guy I mentioned in the previous post
and this was his super bright friend I also mentioned.
So yeah, snorkeling was pretty amazing.
So on Day 4, I woke up at about 7:30am so that I could watch football (which seems so ridiculous to me). It would take me 3 years living here to get use to the time difference.
At 9, Ron, Alan, and I all headed to a Ruby on Rails Tutorial as part of the Aloha on Rails conference (one of the reasons we were out here in the first place)
The tutorial was in a strip mall a little ways from our hotel (but very close to Morton’s, where we ate dinner the night before). I took a couple pictures there:
Yep, that’s Obama surfing on the Wave of Hope.
That’s Alan & Ron at the tutorial. It was quite interesting, but would be very boring for those of you who don’t care about Ruby on Rails. I will say I watched the Bears win via ESPN gamecast during the beginning portion of this, as well as watched both my fantasy teams win.
That lasted pretty much all day, but eventually we all met up for dinner at Dave and Buster’s, where we also proceeded to play games the rest of the night. Here’s a little highlight from that:
That’s Toshi (Alan’s son) and I playing a game where you have to shoot spiders. Toshi was telling me all about it during dinner. We didn’t do so hot, though I had my game face on, as you can tell. Also, shout out to Bless You Boys (my shirt).
During dinner, before games, Peter and Rachel had to take off to fly back to LA *tear*. They were a blast to hang out with, and it’s so bizarre to know your co-workers pretty well, obviously work with them all the time, and yet so rarely interact with them face to face. For me especially, it’s always a very meaningful time for me, so it was so good to see everyone, even if it was just a couple days in Peter and Rachel’s case.
I was due at the conference the next morning at 7am to help with registration, so after the jam packed first few days here, I collapsed. Luckily it was back at the hotel in the bed that the collapsing happened.