Height: 6′3.3″
Weight: Roughly .14 metric tons
Relationship Interests: Fling / Friend with Benefits / Serious Relationship
Hobbies: I guess I just like to have a good time. I’m a lot of fun, and I just like going out to clubs with friends and dancing. I also love going out on my boat and soaking up the sun. Other then that I guess I like to waste the day away reading and playing video games, wallowing in my own apathy and self-loathing. One of my favorite things to do is eat my own body weight in grape tomatoes.
Favorite Movies: Last Action Hero, Baby Geniuses, Scary Movie 2, Hard Rain, Pooty Tang
Job: Independent Contractor for Staplesâ„¢
Pets: Two Alpacas – Freon and Funk Soulmaster
Things that Irritate me about others: Unibrows; people who can move their ears; people who drone on and on about themselves; people who discuss chess strategy; and people who don’t listen
Favorite Actor: Bob Sagat
Perfect 1st Date: Eating at a nice italian restaurant, then taking a nice relaxing walk through a downtown park and laughing at old people.
Additional Comments: I guess I’m just like a lot of people so email me – sexyman30@hotmail.com